Selected Works
Once upon a time... I felt fascinated by the metaphorical potential of the fantasy genre, most of my stories rely on their subtext to tell something. Or not, sometimes I’m just gloomy and simple-minded.

Before de River
Beats of hearts on mute
The never-ending nightmare
Colors lost in grays
Skulls crushed by the hammer

The Graphite Knight
There was a sheet of paper on a cartoonist’s table. She already had some dust because there had been several days without her being moved. Since there was no one in the room, she let out a sigh.

Las Vocales Saben a Caramelo
El atardecer caía sobre la ciudad. Yo caminaba por las calles tranquilas de la colonia Guadalupe Inn, pienso que sonaría más bonito si fuera “Guadalupín”, pero a las personas les gusta que las cosas suenen coquetas, aunque lo único “in” que tengan sea el nombre.